Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Austin has moved quickly into his teenage years. He is 13 going on 25. He is getting ready to start his second year in Junior High at Bennion. He is not excited to go back to school. He says that he is already counting down the days until next years summer break.

He is patiently (not) waiting for the hockey season to start again. At the start of summer he went to Jeremey Weiss's summer hockey camp, but has not seen much ice time since. This will be his first year as a Bantam. Last season he played on three different teams. Hopefully this year it wont be so crazy because he can not play up a level. I would feel better about him playing if he would just grow a little bit. Most of the boys he plays with and against have already had their growth spurt. He is just hoping that he didn't end up with Aunt Shannon's short gene.

Austin has also started piano lessons and has really enjoyed it. He likes to play by ear like Grandpa, but we are trying to get him to read the music.

Austin received the priesthood in February and is the Deacon quorum President.

This summer Austin has been a Junior life guard at the pool by our house. This is his second year doing this. Hopefully in two years he will be able to get a job as a lifeguard. His favorite part in getting to help with the swimming lessons. He gets to play with all the little kids.

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