Wednesday, August 13, 2008


It is hard to believe that my baby is 9 years old. Boy, am I getting old. Kay is your typical girl. Loves clothes, Bratz dolls, shopping, Hannah Montana, friends and boys. She is a very good student and loves school. I think it's more the social part than the learning, but whatever works.

Kay has also started piano lessons, and loves to play. She was one of the reasons we got a piano. Every holiday we would ask her what she wanted and the answer was always the same. A piano!

Kay also got braces on today. She has to wear head gear for a year to move her lower jaw forward. I am sure glad we are starting young. Hopefully it won't be too hard. She has to wear it 14 hours a day.

Kay is a spitt fire and does a great job of holding her own against her brothers.

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